Malware Research & Analysis


Malware Analysis & RealTime Threat Intelligence for detecting & correlating Indicators of Compromise of targeted attacks, financial fraud information, vulnerability information or even counter-terrorism information. We also help in finding relationships between attributes and indicators from malware, attacks campaigns or analysis. Correlation engine includes correlation between attributes and more advanced correlations like Fuzzy hashing correlation

  • RealTime Malware Analysis

    Real Time Reverse Engineering

  • IoC , Exploit , TTP Analysis
  • Testing Application for backdoors
  • Static & Dynamic Malware Analysis
  • Native Apps / Exe / Linux & OSx Malware reverse engineering
  • Post Attack Recovery

    Clean My Server

  • Security Analyst will investigate how the Attackers gained entry.
  • Remove any malicious code and malware links in your configuration files, Pages, Operating System files and Application source code.
  • Provide an in-depth report of the infection removal and investigation.
  • Provide a detailed report to protect the server from future attacks.
  • Professional

    Threat Monitoring Solutions

  • Complete It Security consulting
  • Vulnerability & Threat Management, IT Security Architecture and Implementation, ...
  • Cca 30 days project duration
  • For large business owners
why choose us

Malware services we offer

Our expert IT security consultants will analyze your business environment and make custom procedures and measures for mitigating IT threats and vulnerabilities.

With smart IT security design and implementation you are able to address potential threats and secure your most valuable IT assets and thus reduce it's impact.

You take care of your business, we will take care of your IT Security. Increase your efficiency by investing in Cybersafe IT Security solutions.

You take care of your business, we will take care of your IT Security. Increase your efficiency by investing in Cybersafe IT Security solutions.

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